Tuesday, June 9, 2020

If America is systemically racist why do Democrats have to keep making up hate crimes

When George Zimmerman was assaulted by Trayvon Martin and shot him in self defense the Democrats kept calling George white even though he was Hispanic--and far more Hispanic than Elizabeth Warren was Native American.

When Michael Brown was shot by a police officer in self defense the media went with the "hands up don't shoot story". But as even Eric Holder was eventually forced to admit that story was a lie.  The only witness who told that was the guy who'd helped Brown rob a store minutes before.

The other witnesses and the forensic evidence showed that Brown was not shot while holding his hands up but while trying to grab the officers gun.

In the Freddie Gray case in Baltimore there were riots and Blacks burned their own neighborhoods because the Black mayor said they should be allowed to do so.  I wonder if it had been her rich white supporters neighborhoods that were being burned she would have done the same.

But it turned out that Freddie didn't die to deliberate police actions or even gross negligence.  Not one of the officers that were charged were found guilty.

Then there's the Jussie Smollet case. He had to hire two Nigerians to pretend to mug him so he could say he was the victim of racism.  If racism was as prevalent as Democrats want us to think it is he could have just walked through Chicago and gotten attacked by whites, maybe even white cops, with no problem.

There have been some incidents of cops unjustly killing Blacks. And in each and every such case everyone from Trump to the most radical leftists has condemned the officer in question and demanded justice.

If everyone condemns a cop who unjustly killed a Black how can there be systemic racism?

Study after study has shown that Blacks are no more likely to be unjustly killed than whites.

Not only that but since Trump was elected there has been a plague of false "hate" crimes perpetrated by minorities.

The reality is simple. Blacks are starting to think about voting for Trump; his approval rating among Blacks has skyrocketed.


Well because he's not a racist and because he's driven Black unemployment to record lows.  He also is a big supporter of historically Black colleges.

The thought of Blacks actually voting in their own best interests is really scary for Democrats who are unconcerned about Black poverty or the thousands of Blacks who are shot in Democrat run cities each year.

So they're trying to scare Blacks into thinking that Republicans and Trump are out to kill them.

That's why the massive wall to wall lying about George Floyd; Trump's first response was to order the FBI and DOJ to investigate.

No one, no conservative, is saying that there shouldn't be a detailed investigation and if that shows that what we saw in the video was accurate that the officers shouldn't be seriously punished.

In a really systemically racists country the story wouldn't have made the news and the officers would haven't even been punished.

Tony Timpa was killed in Texas in nearly identical circumstances and the 3 cops were back on the job in a month. Tony was white.

In the old Democrat run South cops regularly killed Blacks and looked the other way when the Antifa of the time, the KKK, killed Blacks.

There are racists in America but they're not very common. In fact the one clearly racist organization in America is the Democrat party:
  • The Democrat party was founded by a Southern slave owner who treated native Americans horribly
  • The Democrat party fought the Civil War to keep slavery legal
  • The Democrat party founded the KKK
  • The Democrat party passed all the Jim Crow laws that kept Blacks in the back of the bus
  • The Democrat party instituted segregated schools
  • The Democrat party kept the military segregated
  • The Democrat party supported the Civil Rights Act of 1964 much less than the Republican party did
  • The Democrat party created a welfare system that they had every reason to believe would hurt Blacks
  • The Democrat party did nothing to fix the problems their welfare system was creating for Blacks
  • The Democrat party ignores the thousands of Blacks shot in Democrat run cities each year
  • The Democrat party says that letting Black kids go to good schools is "racist"
  • The Democrat party has no problem with Black women being 3 times as likely to abort as white women
  • The Democrat party treats any Black who disagrees with them--Kanye, Ben Carson, Candice Owens, Justice Thomas for example--horribly calling them names
  • The Democrat party's Presidential candidate, Joe Biden, has said that Blacks who don't vote for him aren't really Black

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