Monday, June 22, 2020

It's official; Democrats hate women

Democrats are cheering a Supreme Court ruling that if taken to it's logical conclusion says that biological men can compete against women in sports.

The court reasoned that if a man is attracted to a man and a woman is attracted to a man saying that men attracted to men are treated differently is solely because of their sex.

But then using that reasoning of a man wants to compete in women's sports and a woman wants to compete in women's sports banning a man would be solely because of his sex and hence illegal.

It's clear that men are generally more athletic than women. Anyone who doubts that should take note of the fact that men who weren't in the top 100 suddenly set records when they compete as women.

Allowing biological men to compete with women is incredibly misogynistic.  It essentially means that women can't win in athletic competitions.

Not only does it destroy women's self esteem it shuts them out from valuable sources of college scholarship funding.

But Democrats and the Supreme Court don't care about that.  Clearly the concerns and the lives of real women don't matter as much to Democrats as the delusions or dishonesty of a tiny fraction of the population.

A man who thinks he's a woman is no less insane than a man who thinks he's Napoleon.

In neither case is the man bad but in both cases he's ill.  The correct way to help a man who thinks he's a woman is to get him to understand that he's wonderful just as he is; no pretending is required.  That's the same approach one would take with a man who thinks he's Napoleon.

But Democrats say that the right way to treat a man who thinks he's Napoleon is to bow to him.

Further there will be some men who, wanting a free ride in college, will just say they're women in order to get scholarships.  After all no surgery is required.

Just as abortion is a tool men use to ensure that they can objectify and use women rather than love them shows that Democrats don't really care about women declaring that a man can become a woman with a few drugs and some plastic surgery is an example of how low Democrats opinions are of women.

One more way to see that Democrat politicians don't like women; they support sex selection abortions.

When a mother, or her partner, want a boy rather than a girl it's perfectly legal for her to kill her perfectly healthy unborn daughter. There's nothing more misogynistic than that and Democrat politicians say it should be legal.

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