Thursday, June 25, 2020

Democrats are planning massive voter fraud with mail in ballots

First no one objects to people requesting and getting mail in ballots.

What honest Americans object to and what Democrat politicians want is for the government to send ballots to every registered voter.

Sounds good right?  But when one realizes that because governments, especially Democrat run ones, don't update the voter rolls there are millions of voters on the rolls who have either died or moved it becomes clear that the Democrats are planning on stealing the election.

If even of the fraction of more than 2,000,000 ballots that will be sent to non-existent individuals are "repurposed" to vote for Democrats, including Biden, it could they could easily steal the election.

But you say don't they check the identities of the people sending in those ballots?

Yes which is why Democrats and their allied groups, like the League of Women Voters, are now filing   lawsuits in swing states demanding that States don't need to verify the identity of people casting absentee ballots.

Now you may ask yourself why would any honest person not want the States to check to make sure that people aren't voting multiple times?  The answer is there is no reason.

The only reason to sue to keep States from verifying that mail in ballots are legally cast is to enable massive voter fraud.

We know that the Democrats are dishonest.

AOC praised people who allegedly interfered with Trump's campaign so clearly she's cool with cheating.

In California Democrats first gave illegal aliens drivers licenses and then they let them vote if they're willing to lie about their citizenship status. When anyone applies for a drivers license at the CA DMV they go to a computer and fill out some forms.

One of the questions is do you want to register to vote.

If you say yes you're asked if you're a citizen.  It's on the honor code; no one ever checks to see if you really are a citizen.

Clearly given that illegal aliens have broken our immigration laws to get a better life a significant fraction of them won't hesitate to violate our voting laws to vote for Democrats who promise them more money.

It's not an accident that as Democrat Governor Newsom is saying that teachers may need to take 10% payouts he's handing out $600 checks to help them deal with the China virus crisis.

Democrats in CA also have legalized ballot harvesting where people, often illegal aliens, go door to door collecting ballots.  Well at least ones which are for Democrats.  This practice has been illegal across America because it's so open to fraud.  "Volunteers" can offer to help people fill out ballots and even do the actual filling out themselves.

I grew up in the Chicago area and everyone knew how the Democrat machine worked.  But now Democrats are saying there is no voter fraud.

What they really mean is that voter fraud occurs in states where the people who would investigate the fraud are in on the scheme.

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