Saturday, June 20, 2020

Want to reopen your business? Live in a Democrat run state? Declare your business to be an on-going George Floyd protest

The same Democrat governors who are destroying small businesses in their states are welcoming massive protests, some peaceful some not, where all social distancing is completely ignored.

According to those Democrats the China virus is smart enough to not spread when hundreds of protesters bump into each other.

Anyone who as been in a protest knows that people are a lot closer together than they are even in a moderately crowded bar or restaurant. In addition even a bar the people near to you tend to be the same ones for an extended period unlike a protest where different people are constantly moving here you thereby increasing exposure.

Sure a dance club might be worse than a protest in terms of spreading COVID19 but your regular bar or restaurant doesn't come close.

One way to get around the tyrannical Democrats who want your business to fail and to put you on welfare so they can control you would be to declare that your business is in fact an on-going George Floyd protest where people's primary purpose is to condemn excessive police violence and whatever else they're doing is just a minor side part of their effort.

After all Democrats believe that the virus will recognize your efforts and eschew infecting anyone.

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