Monday, June 22, 2020

Everyone is a racist except Antifa: General Grant edition

The new Democrat Brown Shirts, the KKK having been retired by Democrats, are storming our streets and tearing down statues they don't like.

They, like most of the Democrat base and most Democrat politicians, think they're above the law.  That is they're fascists.

If we the people want a statue taken down there's a process we follow to do so.  Simply declaring that the mob can do so on their own just because they're leftists is a direct rejection of democracy.

While supposedly only statues of racists are being toppled the left wing fascists in San Francisco have taken down a statue of Ulysses S. Grant.  The man next to Lincoln most responsible for freeing the slaves.

Grant also prosecuted the KKK, the Democrats organization that was only recently replaced by ANTIFA, and appointed Blacks to prominent roles in government.

He also worked hard to pass the 15th Amendment and he signed the Civil Rights Act of 1875.

But apparently all that is irrelevant since he was given a slave by his father in law.  Of course he emancipated that slave in less than a year and he was given the slave long before the Civil War occurred.

Cleary the Democrat fascist mob isn't interested in racial justice but in the destruction of America so they can replace it with a fascist state.

Oh and by the way San Francisco is open to some serious charges of racism itself.  Blacks are overrepresented by a factor of 6 in the homeless population in SF based on the % of Blacks in California.

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