Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Was Governor Cuomo bribed?

A big scandal that the #FakeNews media is working hard to spin and/or coverup is that Cuomo's administration in New York forced nursing homes to take patients who had the China, or as Cuomo says the European, virus.  That undoubtedly led to many elderly people dying.

It turns out that Cuomo also signed legislation granting hospital and nursing home executives immunity from lawsuits related to COVID19.  This might actually make sense since lawyers are always eager to sue if anyone is less than perfect.

However the law is pretty universal in that it says:

“shall have immunity from any liability, civil or criminal, for any harm or damages alleged to have been sustained as a result of an act or omission in the course of arranging for or providing healthcare services”

In fact it's so broad that if a nursing home let a patient die out of neglect the officials running the home would be protected.  This of course shows the problem with our ambulance chasing lawyer society; it's impossible to write a clear distinction between errors made in good faith or because people are human and errors the result of deliberate malfeasance.

However we might question Cuomo's motives since the NY Democrat Committee received donations exceeding $1 million from the Greater New York Hospital Association back in 2018. At that time the NYDC was supporting Cuomo's primary run.

In addition three of the associations top executives gave Cuomo's campaign more than $150,000 between 2015 and 2018.

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