Monday, June 1, 2020

Systemic racism? Here's System racism; Democrat party policies

The George Floyd case shows us nothing about systemic racism. If a 6' 6" white suspect resisted arrest he'd have gotten the same treatment. The only difference is that if Floyd had been right the story might have made it to the local news but there would have been no outcry.

In a systemically racist system cops who kill Blacks aren't fired within hours and accused of murder within days.

But Democrat politicians and the #FakeNews media are right there is systemic racism in America.

It's in pretty much every city run by Democrats.

In Democrat run cites like Chicago thousands of Blacks are shot each year.  Yet nothing is done about it and no one talks about it.  Clearly Democrat politicians hate Blacks because we all know that if thousands of white people were being shot each year in Chicago there would be a cop on every corner.  What's more systemically racist than doing nothing about thousands of Blacks being shot each year?

In Democrat run cities public school teachers make a lot of money, $70K a year on average in Chicago, while the kids, mostly Black, don't get a decent education.  But Democrat politicians say it would be racist to let those Black kids go to private schools.  Democrat politicians clearly believe that Blacks can't be educated, or they don't care if Black kids don't get a decent education, both of which are clear examples of systemic racism.

Democrat politicians declare that whenever the percentage of Blacks in any situation isn't the same as the percentage of Blacks in America that that's a sign of systemic racism.  Except for when it comes to abortion. Black women are 3 times more likely to abort their babies than white women.  It would be easy to be "pro-choice" but condemn that disparity but that's not what Democrat politicians do. Instead they lie about abortion reducing crime and the cost of welfare. Now that's systemic racism.

All across America riots in Democrat run cites are destroying Black neighborhoods and Black businesses while Democrat politicians do nothing to protect the vast majority of Blacks who aren't rioting or looting.  That's systemic racism.

Democrat politicians and the #FakeNews media are right about the existence of systemic racism in America.

But it's not Trump or Pence or any Republican who's the problem it's Democrat politicians across the board who support policies that oppress Blacks.

The only way to end systemic racism in America is to make sure that racist Democrat's don't have the ability to enforce Hell on Black Americans.

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