Thursday, June 4, 2020

Twitter proves its bias: "fact checks" Trump on a matter of opinion doesn't fact check Biden when he says something that isn't true

Twitter wanted to demonstrate how woke it is by fact checking Trump's claim that sending millions of ballots to people who don't exist will lead to vote fraud.

We know for a fact that at least 2.3 million people are registered to vote who don't exist; they've died or they've moved and now vote somewhere else.

We know this for a fact because there are 378 counties in the US where there are more registered voters than there are people old enough to vote.  The 2.3 million estimate is very conservative because it doesn't count invalid entries in counties where the registration rate isn't greater than 100% and it assumes that every adult in the counties which have a greater than 100% registration rate have registered to vote.

What Trump was saying was that if you send all those ballots out, which is what Democrats want to do, some people are going to use those ballots and vote more than once.

Note Trump wasn't talking about normal mail in voting where a person applies for an absentee ballot. Trump was talking about sending millions of ballots out to people who don't exist.

But Twitter had to fact check that by calling on such amazingly biased sources as CNN and the Washington Post.

Would they use FoxNews to fact check Biden?

We'll never know because Twitter doesn't fact check Democrats.

We know that the Park Police didn't use tear gas nor did they use rubber bullets and they sure didn't get orders from Trump to do either.  They used smoke and pepper balls to disperse rioters.

We also know that not only did the "peaceful" protesters not abide by orders to move back they also threw bricks at cops and tried to grab the cop's guns.

But Joe Biden tweets that Trump tear gassed and fired rubber bullets at peaceful protesters.

Unlike the Trump tweet where Twitter had a difference of opinion, Twitter believes millions of ballots floating around for the taking isn't a risk while Trump thinks it is, in this case Biden is factually wrong.

Yet there is no fact check by Twitter.  And it's not just Joe Biden:

Pelosi, Schumer, and probably any number of other Democrats tweeted a lie and have not, as of the next day, corrected their tweets.

Twitter hasn't fact checked them.

It's time to declare that Twitter is a publisher and make them legally liable for every tweet since they are clearly controlling the content not providing a content neutral platform.

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