Sunday, June 7, 2020

Are Democrats trying to kill Blacks?

I'm so old that I remember how last week the Democrats were saying that the China virus was hurting Blacks more than whites.

The HuffPo had an article saying that while Blacks made up only 14% of the population 33% of COVID19 cases and 41% of those who died were Black.

The article went on to say that this was a national trend and it had nothing to do with poverty.

Apparently the cause is the fact that all the diseases that render you more vulnerable to the China virus are more prevalent in the Black community.

Further Blacks allegedly get worse medical care.

So the last thing someone who loves Black people would do would be to encourage them to expose themselves to this virus until we have a cure or a vaccine.

This week Democrats are urging, you might even say demanding, that Blacks get out into large crowds of protesters or rioters where social distancing is unheard.

Clearly Democrats aren't too concerned about Black's health when putting Black lives at risk helps the Democrat party.  The riots and protests are all designed to spread the big lie that Trump and Republicans want to kill Blacks and are racists.

What's truly amazing is that by encouraging the protests and riots Democrats are the ones who are putting Black lives at risk.

In a sense that's old news in that the businesses being looted by the rioters are owned by or in Black neighborhoods.  It's Blacks who will suffer the lack of stores and the lifesavings lost not the rich white Democrats who are saying rioting is good.

So it's not surprising that Democrats who don't care about the Blacks killed by rioters or about the devastating impact the riots have had on Black communities don't care about the fact that many more Blacks may die from COVID19 because of the riots and protests.

But then we know that Democrats have always shown a lack of concern about Blacks:
  • The Democrat party was founded by a Southern slave owner who treated native Americans horribly
  • The Democrat party fought the Civil War to keep slavery legal
  • The Democrat party founded the KKK
  • The Democrat party passed all the Jim Crow laws that kept Blacks in the back of the bus
  • The Democrat party instituted segregated schools
  • The Democrat party kept the military segregated
  • The Democrat party supported the Civil Rights Act of 1964 much less than the Republican party did
  • The Democrat party created a welfare system that they had every reason to believe would hurt Blacks
  • The Democrat party did nothing to fix the problems their welfare system was creating for Blacks
  • The Democrat party ignores the thousands of Blacks shot in Democrat run cities each year
  • The Democrat party says that letting Black kids go to good schools is "racist"
  • The Democrat party has no problem with Black women being 3 times as likely to abort as white women
  • The Democrat party treats any Black who disagrees with them--Kanye, Ben Carson, Candice Owens, Justice Thomas for example--horribly calling them names
  • The Democrat party's Presidential candidate, Joe Biden, has said that Blacks who don't vote for him aren't really Black
Contrary to the lie that Democrats use that the two parties switched policies in the 1960s Democrats have been consistently antiBlack since they were founded.

We all know that if thousands of white people were shot in Chicago in one year, much less year after year, there would be a cop on every street corner until the shootings stopped.

Let your friends know about how Democrat politicians are urging Blacks to risk their lives to advance the Democrat agenda.

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