Monday, June 8, 2020

Democrat politicians are making it necessary to call in the Army

I'm Catholic and I believe in the Catholic teaching of subsidiarity.

It's a social teaching not a dogmatic article of faith which says that problems should be handled as locally as possible.

So if my neighbors kid accidentally breaks my window I go talk to his dad; I don't call the police.

If someone vandalizes my car I call the police; I don't call the national guard.

If my neighborhood floods the national guard will show up but the Army can keep training.

If the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor the military, ie the Federal government, has to get involved.

So if there is a riot it should be taken care of by the local police.

If they can't subdue the rioters then the national guard should step in.

But if the police and the national guard can't handle the job it's time to call in the military.

This is not some unheard of thing. As recently as 1992 the US Army was sent to Los Angeles to deal with the riots there.

What is unheard of is having to call in the Army because Democrat Mayors and Governors are unwilling to stop rioting and looting.

Senator Tom Cotton wrote an article which the New York Times published which basically said in extreme cases of lawlessness, such as we are currently experiencing, it is perfectly reasonable to call in the Army

Note that he didn't call for martial law or the suspension of civil liberties only more bodies to be able to contain and end riots without having to use a "whiff of grapeshot"--the old fashioned way of dealing with rioters is to turn a cannon into a giant shotgun and mow them down like wheat.

This wouldn't be necessary if the Democrats who run the places where the rioting is occurring would take steps to deal with it.

Unfortunately we're living in an age where Democrats feel obligated to let a few rioting Blacks and their white Antifa enablers destroy entire Black neighborhoods.  Only a tiny fraction of Blacks are protesting and even fewer are rioting yet when a communities stores are burned down the entire Black community suffers.

This current outbreak isn't the first time we've seen Democrat politicians allow a few Blacks to destroy entire Black communities.

We saw it in Missouri when the people "protesting" Michael Brown being justifiably shot, according to Eric Holder, were allowed, by Democrats, to burn the Black community down.

We saw it in Baltimore after Freddie Gray accidentally died in police custody.  Cops didn't suffer but the Black community sure did.

We live in a time where using the Army to quell riots will be necessary not because the local police and national guard couldn't do so but because Democrat politicians have decided that looting and arson aren't "violence" and that they, the Democrats, have no responsibility as elected officials to actually protect the people the were elected by.

When you vote November remember that the same Democrats say you don't need a gun to protect yourself told the police to let the rioters, looters, and arsonists go about their activities unimpeded.

The reality is that if a Democrat runs where you live the odds are good that the only one who is going to protect you is you.

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