Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Democrats war on the police kills thousands of Blacks

When a police officer does something wrong or even makes a mistake and the Democrats use that as excuse to wage war on all cops Black people end up dying.

A new study by Harvard Professor Roland Fryer shows that homicides and felonies spike immediately after the #FakeNews media and the Democrats attack police in general.

The study shows that after highly publicized investigations the police back off from pro active policing and crime goes up.

It's not the investigation that's the problem since officers are investigated all the time.  The problem is that in all of those incidents the media and Democrats painted all cops as being racist monsters who wanted to kill Blacks. Further they showed cops that if an officer makes a mistake he will be abandoned to assuage the mob.

The officer who shot Michael Brown had to quit his job and go into hiding because of the lies peddled by Obama and the #FakeNews media.

In the end though even Obama's "wingman" Eric Holder who ran the DOJ at the time had to admit that Michael Brown didn't have his hands up when he was shot. Holder had to admit that the physical evidence, and the testimony of all but one witness who had just helped Brown rob a store, proved that Brown was attacking the officer and that the officer acted in self defense.

Contrary to the opinions of leftists who think themselves to be intellectuals because of their degrees in gender studied cops aren't stupid.

They know that if crime goes up they'll still get paid but that if they make a mistake they will be hung out to dry.  So they drastically reduce their engagement with citizens. They respond to crimes but they back off from being proactive.

Of course this tends to apply in minority areas since if cops kill a white guy without justification there are no protests and no riots.  

Tony Timpa was killed under similar circumstances to those in the Floyd case, though Timpa had called 911 because he had mental issues and needed help while Floyd was accused of passing counterfeit currency, and the cops who killed him were never prosecuted and were  back on the job a month later. 

The difference?  Tony was white.

Who suffers due to the cops not wanting to be sacrificed for the political careers of the Democrats who run these cities? Black people.

In looking at the spike in crime that occurs after these well publicized inquisitions Fryer estimates an extra thousand people, mostly Black, died as a result of the media making these investigations into circuses.

The death toll from this current disaster will probably be much higher.

But just as Democrats don't care about the over 2000 Blacks shot in Democrat run Chicago every year they don't care about how the vast majority of Blacks who are honest will suffer due to Democrat's attacks on all cops.

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