Wednesday, June 10, 2020

It's on. The Democrats are going all in for defunding the police

The new "moderate" Democrat position is to move huge amounts of money from the police to programs that will enrich Social Justice Warriors but do nothing to actually stop crime.

But the real action is from Democrats who want to defund, ie eliminate, the police.

They don't really have any rational explanation of how if we have around 3000 Blacks murdered each year by non-cops with cops patrolling the streets and trying to arrest the killers we won't have a lot more Blacks murdered each year if there's no one to arrest killers.

They also don't have any credible explanation of why there won't be mass theft.  After all when California essentially decriminalized thefts of less than $949 worth of stuff people began strolling into stores, grabbing $900 worth of stuff, and then ambling out.

Some of this is based on the fact that the Democrats who push this insanity live in neighborhoods with little if any crime and they honestly believe that everyone, except for Republicans, is a saint who  once reasoned with will never do anything bad.

Of course for Blacks living in Chicago where thousands of Blacks are shot each year the idea of no cops is scary as all get out.

As usual Democrats are all for imposing on other policies that will hurt them but not the Democrats who are imposing the policy.

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