Monday, June 15, 2020

Why is censorship a one way street?

It's easy to see why Democrats support censorship; it never applies to them.

If someone says all lives matter they are censored, fired, and tossed off of social media platforms.

But if someone says that all whites are racists they know that they won't be censored.

A conservative who points out that rioting hurts Black can be censored but a leftist who calls fo rioting won't be.

Trump is fact checked on matters of opinion--will sending ballots to millions of people who don't exist result in voter fraud--while the lies told by the Chinese tyrants who murdered thousands of pro-democracy protesters in Tiananmen square go untouched.

The mad mullah who runs Iran can tweet out calls to violence and condemnations of America with impunity but people who point out that Islam can be used to support violence are censored and silenced.

Calling Trump Hitler is fine; asking if Ilhan Omar married her brother as part of an immigration fraud scheme will get you silenced.

As it stands Democrats aren't calling for censorship they're calling for the silencing of any voice they don't like.

They say that offensive speech should be prohibited to keep from upsetting people but that's a lie.

If that were true they'd censor leftists who call conservatives racists and bigots.  Or do they think that conservatives aren't bothered when they're lied about?

It's also obvious why Democrats are for censorship.  People who can defend their beliefs feel that the answer to "hate speech" is more speech that shows how wrong the "hate speech" is.

But Democrats can't defend their positions because their positions are insane and selfish.

Defund the police?  Without the police we have chaos and the law of the jungle. No sane person wants that.

Listening to Democrats it's obvious that they are trying to play on people's emotions not reason.  George Floyd was killed so all cops are bad sounds possible until one finds out that numerous studies, at least one by a Black Harvard professor, show that cops are no more likely to kill innocent Blacks than they are to kill innocent whites.

So to keep people from hearing the truth Democrats depend on censorship.

The #FakeNews media is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the Democrat party so they self censor.  Anyone else who dares speak truth to Democrat power is targeted for censorship and a campaign of condemnation.

Democrats don't want you to have any power. They don't want to represent you. They want to rule over you. To achieve that objective they're trying to silence you.

Don't let them.

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