Tuesday, June 16, 2020

One Court to rule them all

Once again the majority on the Supreme Court have decided that they should define the law since Americans are too stupid to do what the Supreme Court knows should be done.

When Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibited discrimination based on sex people knew that sex meant whether someone was a man or a woman.

But today the Supreme Court has, through the use of tortuous and invalid arguments, declared that the intent of the law was to protect LGBTQ folk.

By including gender identity and sexual orientation in the definition of sex the Court created entirely new law without the people having to bother to get involved.

That the Court legislated is not just the obvious truth Judges Thomas and Alito also said it was correct in their dissent:

"There is only one word for what the Court has done today: legislation. The document that the Court releases is in the form of a judicial opinion interpreting a statute, but that is deceptive,"

After all the rich mostly white unelected Judges know better than to let we the people have a say in what laws we are ruled by.

Until roughly 10 years ago absolutely no one would have thought that the Civil Rights Act was intended by the people who voted for it in Congress to let men use women's bathrooms but that's what the Court has just ruled.

The bizarre and logically invalid argument the majority used was that if two workers, one male and one female, were attracted to men it would be discrimination based on sex to fire the man.

To see how obviously absurd this reasoning is let's apply it to some other cases:

A man and a woman like the girls bathroom and want to go in there. It would be sex discrimination and hence illegal, to prevent the man from entering just because of his sex.

A man and a woman want to compete in women's sports.  It would be sex based discrimination to say that the man couldn't compete against women.

A man and a woman both want time off when they become parents.  Denying the man pregnancy leave would be illegal.

If Americans want to totally change how we treat sex in America we have a process to make that happen.  It's called passing a law.

But the judges know that the people don't want this sort of law so they made it up and invoked their power to rule over us all.

The fact that Democrats don't say they like the results but that the Supreme Court is acting in a way that goes against their Constitutional authority shows that Democrats are fine with Tyranny.

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