Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Girl who makes Teddy Bears for the children of slain police officers gets death threats

This is the left. They hate the police because they, leftists, are insurrectionists and criminals and the police stand between them and your money and freedom.

This girl started this effort when she was 14 to help the children of officers slain in the line of duty, including officers of color.

But now she's getting death threats and is being ostracized by her classmates.

Megan wrote this on her Facebook page:

Saying I am heartbroken is an understatement. 3 and a half years ago when I started Blue Line Bears tensions were high in the United States and police officers were under attack. I received hate comment after hate comment, most along the lines of “I hope your dad is the next Officer you make a bear for.” The hate comments never truly disappeared, but they became less frequent until these past couple of weeks. I posted something that was pro-police on my own personal social media and got attacked by my own classmates calling me all sorts of things.

People who I saw as friends blocked me and called me toxic. I watched the increase in police injuries in New York and wondered if those were officers I’ve given a patch to. I scrolled through social media posts to be met with nothing but anti-police rants. My heart broke more and more everyday. Yesterday my family made the decision to get rid of the wrap on my Jeep, because it’s not safe for me to drive anymore.

My heart shattered and I finally let myself cry over this (as seen in the deleted post from yesterday). The comments were positive in the beginning until we got hundreds of comments wanting my dad dead and saying they hope he gets shot in the face. I have stayed silent until now, but I’m not doing that anymore. These people can troll and hate on my dad and me, but all they’re doing is fueling the fire that will make Blue Line Bears more and more successful. I will not stand down.

This is the left in action. Sending death threats to teenage girls who try and comfort the children of police officers who died protect we the people from criminals.

Odds are you won't hear Joe Biden or any other Democrat condemn these violent threats or stand up for the police

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