Wednesday, June 17, 2020

J.K. Rowlings speaks the truth and the left tries to "cancel" her

The famous author the Harry Potter series dared to speak the truth that one's sex is a real thing.

That tweet caused the left to rise up as one and scream at Rowlings. They didn't really have any logical objections to her point but they knew that she must be silenced.

But that's the way of the left these days; don't debate just deplatform and cancel anyone who doesn't agree with you.

It's a direct and explicit rejection of the basic concept of America where we discuss our differences and where the 1st Amendment means that people whose opinions we disagree with have as much right to speak as we do.

How far the left has come from when the ACLU sued not just to allow Nazi's to march in Illinois but to march in a specific neighborhood full of Holocaust survivors.  Now merely stating the scientific fact that women menstruate is considered to be something that must be silenced.

And don't be mistaken. Rowlings isn't some conservative and she believes in the left's lie that a man who thinks he's a woman isn't mentally ill.

The reality is simple there is nothing more misogynistic than to say that with a little plastic surgery and some drugs a man can become a woman.

Well maybe giving a man, Bruce Jenner, the award for "Woman of the Year" is worse but it's a close thing.

A man who thinks he's a woman is no different than a man who thinks he's Napoleon or a man who thinks that his arm isn't really part of him; they are all afflicted with mental illness.

People suffering from gender confusion are not bad people and we have to love them but just as the way to truly love the guy who thinks he's Napoleon isn't to go along with his delusion the way to love  people who are confused about their sex is to get them to see that they're wonderful as they are; no pretending to be something they're not is necessary.

This is one more example of how the left itself is literally insane; it is disjoint from reality.

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