Sunday, June 14, 2020

Democrat Racism in action: Black NBC anchor asks Tim Scott if he's a token

The media desperately tries to hide this but there are 3 Black Senators one of whom is a Republican; that's right 33% of Black Senators are Republicans.

He's Senator Tim Scott.

When he appeared on NBC's today show Craig Melvin, who is also Black, asked wwwScott the following:

“Senator, you have faced a fair amount of criticism, especially over the past few days, because you are the only black Republican senator.“

“Some have said that your party is using you, they’ve even thrown around the word ‘token,’ as well. Your response to that criticism?”

Now there are lot of things in this question that show both racism and leftist bias.

First there we all know that Melvin would never ask Kamala Harris the only female Black in the Senate if she was a token.

Second Melvin doesn't say who was saying that Scott was a "token". Some random tweet Melvin saw isn't a good basis for smearing a Black man.

Third Melvin doesn't cite any position that Scott has taken or any words he's spoken that any Black would object to.

The simple reality is that Melvin is apparently in full agreement with Joe Biden.  If a Black doesn't support the rich old white Democrat leadership they're not really Black.

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