Sunday, June 21, 2020

Time to teardown all the statues of FDR; he put Japanese Americans in prison camps

While historically the Democrat party has tended to concentrate their racist hate on Blacks they have occasionally taken time to horribly abuse other races too.

A great example of that is FDR, Democrat, putting Japanese Americans in prison camps during WWII for the "crime" of being of Japanese descent.

While there was reason to distrust some Japanese Americans it should be noted that there was also some reason to distrust German Americans but they weren't put in prison camps probably because they were white.

In both cases the reality was that there were small numbers of people with misplaced loyalties in both Germans and Japanese American populations but that's hardly justification for throwing all Japanese Americans into prison camps.

So if we're going to take down Saint Junipero Serra, who worked hard to help native Americans, we definitely have to tear down every statue to FDR.

And while we're at it we should tear down every statue of Harry Truman who ordered nuclear weapons dropped on Japan.

What the idiots on the left don't get people can honor General Lee not for defending slavery but for fighting for states rights just as people can honor FDR for his leadership in WWII without approving of his putting innocent people in prison camps because of their ethnic origin.www

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