Sunday, June 14, 2020

Biden projects Democrat behaviors on Trump: But for Joe it's just another lie

Back in 2016 Trump was asked if he'd accept the results of the election if he lost.  He said he would unless there was evidence of massive voter fraud.

That's a perfectly reasonable thing to say and since Democrats keep telling us there is no election fraud it's hardly anything that should have bothered them.

But they went ballistic.

We now know that they were projecting.  It was the Democrats who wouldn't accept the election results if Hillary lost.

When Trump one the first thing the Democrats did is try and convince the members of the electoral college to not vote the way the people told them to vote.

Then they began a campaign to make electors vote not for who the people in their state voted for but for whatever candidate got the majority of the popular vote.

Then they said that Trump was mentally unfit and tried to have him thrown out using the 25th Amendment.

Then they used a Hillary paid for dossier which was compiled by a foreign national and contained unverified rumors to try and show Trump should be impeached.

When that failed they impeached him for daring to suggest that Joe Biden's obvious corruption should be investigated.

When that failed they decided that sending out ballots to millions of people who are either dead or have moved would be a great way to steal an election.

In 2018 543,396 ballots were undeliverable. Which means any or all of those could have been stolen and misused.  Imagine how that will explode if everyone on the voter rolls is sent a ballot.

We know that there are more than 2,000,000 non-existant voters on the voting rolls because there are 379 counties in the US where there are more registered voters than there are people of voting age in the county.

If 10% of those ballots are misused that's 200,000 votes; enough to swing many elections including the presidency.

Democrats have been behind voter fraud for at least 89 years, when they took over Chicago.

Democrats in California allow ballot harvesting and make it easy for illegal aliens to register to vote--all they have to do is lie about their citizenship; no one ever checks to verify their claim.

Now Joe Biden is projecting.  He knows the mail in ballots are a huge source of fraud but he's projecting his desire to cheat his way to the presidency by saying that Trump would refuse to accept the results of the election.

He said that if Trump did that the military would throw him out.

But of course what Joe's doing is lying.  He's the one who will refuse to accept that he lost and he's the one whose going to use massive voter fraud.

Of course if the massive voter fraud is detected Joe will declare any objection by Trump to be evil.

Democrats like Joe hate you and want to run your life.

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