Tuesday, June 9, 2020

California Democrats push voter fraud on a huge scale

California Democrats are constantly doing all they can to make illegal aliens feel at home.

Even as Governor Newsom is pondering massive pay cuts for California teachers he's handing out checks to illegal aliens to help them deal with the China virus crisis.

One of things Democrats did was give illegal aliens drivers licenses.

While that's bad enough on its own what's really appalling is that everyone, including illegal aliens, who apply for a drivers license are asked by the computer, not a person, if they want to register to vote.

While it's true they're asked to swear that they are citizens but no one ever checks whether or not people who say they are citizens if they are citizens.

The whole thing is on the honor code.

Of course illegal aliens have shown that they are willing to break our immigration laws for a better financial situation so why would they hesitate to break our voting laws to vote for Democrats who will give them more of your money?

It's unclear how many illegal aliens reside in California. Pew said 2.4 million but a more recent study seems to indicate that Pew is low by a factor of 2 about how many illegal aliens are in the US which would make California home to around 5 million illegal aliens.

Whatever the precise number it's clear that California's illegal alien friendly policies make it a magnet for people coming from overseas who want welfare for life.

If we use the 5 million number and only 10% of those register to vote that's 500,000 votes. That's a lot of votes.  More than enough to swing all the House seats in California.

I was recently being harangued by a leftist on Twitter who said that what the Democrats have done in no way shows they're trying to get illegal aliens to vote.

Either he's got the IQ of a dead tuna or he's lying.

The simple reality is that Democrats are doing everything they can to rig elections by harvesting ballots and making it easy for non-citizens to vote.

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