Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Democrats hate women: Transgendered sports edition

Science has concluded that even after hormone treatment men who are pretending to be women are more athletic than women.

Of course we all knew this based on low ranking men who declared themselves to be women and who then dominated their real women competitors.

Some might say that it doesn't matter that young women who make huge sacrifices to be the best they can be at a given sport are pushed aside by men.  But aside from the obvious negative impact of society telling young women that they have to come in 5th rather than first because we need to humor people who are clinically insane--and yes a man thinking he's a woman is insane-- there are college scholarships at risk.  Every man who wins at women's sports and as a result gets a scholarship is denying a real woman that scholarship.

What's amazing is that so many people believe that Democrats champion women in spite of Democrats demanding that men pretending to be women compete with women.

Of course the other claim for fame that Democrats have for supporting women is their support for abortion for any reason at any time during and shortly after pregnancy--including aborting unborn girls because the mother wants a boy.

The problem is that abortion is really a tool of patriarchal oppression. Without abortion men are strongly disincentivized to threat women as sex objects since every sex act can result in 18 years worth of child support.  But with abortion men can exploit women without worrying about the consequences.

Democrats tell us that being able to kill their daughters "liberates" women.  But that "liberation" consists of nothing more than pressuring women into casual sex and it actively discourages men committing to women; which is the big complaint by most women today.

Hence it's not surprising that Democrats would take the side of insane men over women because Democrats have never really cared about women only about making sure women are available to be objectified.

What do Democrats gain by this attack on women?  The answer is that by forcing acceptance of insanity on America they move one step forward towards their goal of completely eliminating Judeo-Christian values--which include the idea that we all have inalienable rights-- and they also justify their own hedonistic lifestyles.

It wasn't an accident that the #MeToo movement backfired on Democrats.  They thought they could sacrifice one washed up Hollywood mogul in order to shoot down Trump and one comedian/Senator to win a Senate race but they found out that it's primarily Democrats who have #MeToo problems.  But given that Democrats went on record saying that Bill Clinton's record of sexual harassment had no bearing on his ability to be President are we really surprised that when push comes to shove Democrats don't care about women?

It's time for women to wake up and realize that it's the Democrats who want to exploit them not Republicans.

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