Saturday, September 14, 2019

Socialism vs Socialism

Americans who support the Democrats call for socialism think that Sweden is a socialist state.

It's not.

It's a state where the taxpayers pay a huge fraction of their incomes in return for the government inefficiently providing them with "free" things like medical care.

In Sweden the government doesn't own the big industries they way a socialist government like Venezuela does. Venezuela could be, and was, a very rich country due to its massive oil reserves. But when the socialist government took over the oil industry they stole billions of dollars that should have been spent of maintenance etc.  As a result Venezuela oil production has been going steadily down.

In fact Venezuela now imports oil.

But even what many Americans think of as "socialism"--free college, free medical care, guaranteed income, etc--is a big lie.

Nothing is free; well at least nothing is free if you work.  What the Democrats are really promising when they say free this or free that is that Americans who work and who pay taxes will have to pay a lot more taxes so that everyone can get "free" stuff.

Hard working Americans won't be getting anything for "free"; in fact since they have to pay for the free stuff for people who don't choose to work and who therefore don't pay taxes. That means that Americans who are responsible will have significantly less than they had before they had to pay for free stuff for people who aren't responsible.

Look at the guaranteed income that Democrats are supporting.  Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal says that people who could work but who don't want to should have a nice lifestyle paid for by the people who don't want to work but do so because they're responsible.

But if the money earned by responsible Americans is siphoned off by the government in order to employee more overpaid government bureaucrats and provide a nice lifestyle for the lazy then it's clear that hard working Americans will have less money to spend on themselves.

Similarly if everyone gets the same "free" medical care it means that responsible Americans will lave less money to spend since they will have to pay for the "free" medical care for people who are too lazy to work to pay for their own medical care.  The reality is that in order to reduce the cost of "free" medical care the quality will be reduced.  Which means that the middle class will pay more for worse care since they're going to have to pay for the medical care for lazy people.

The reality is that what Democrats are doing is buying votes by stealing from the middle class--who will face a massive tax increase if Democrats get their way-- and promising to give that money to bums.

Even if they don't nationalize industries as true socialists would, and clearly Democrats like Ocasio-Cortez don't mind nationalizing industries, she wants to destroy the cattle business in America for example, the plans they're advancing are a massive act of theft from the middle class.

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