Wednesday, September 18, 2019

A good reason Democrat activist Max Stier lied about Kavanaugh

It turns out that the only "witness" in the New York Times latest hit piece on Kavanaugh, you know the one were the "victim" says it never happened, has multiple personal reasons to try to hurt Kavanaugh.

For one thing Stier was defending Clinton for Clintons perjury and sexual assaults while Kavanaugh was working for Ken Star the guy investigating Clinton.

A new bit of information has come up that give Stier a second reason.  His wife Florence Yu Pan was nominated to the DC circuit court and the GOP let her nomination lapse; effectively denying her the job.

Finally there's the general reason that as an abortion supporting Democrat Stier would want to do everything he can to keep Kavanaugh from restricting his decisions to what the law was intended to do.

The more time we have after the NYT story came out the more examples we find of the NYT lying by omission, and probably by commission too.

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