Saturday, September 7, 2019

Obama hid Iranian terror attack on US soil to ensure he could let Iran develop the A Bomb

The most important thing to remember about Obama's horrible agreement with Iran is that even Obama admitted it would only keep Iran from getting the bomb for a few years; basically long enough to ensure that Obama wouldn't be blamed.

Given that Iran calls for the destruction of Israel and the US as well as being the largest supporter of international terrorism--including the use of guided missiles against school busses-- allowing them to have weapons of mass destruction is clearly insane.

Obama wasn't bothered because he viewed Iran as a bunch of reasonable people who would behave nicely if treated "fairly". Unlike, in Obama's view, Israel and the US which were both the cause of the world's problems.

In addition to providing huge amounts of cash to Iran, which as predicted Iran used not to improve the life of the average Iranian but to sponsor terrorism, it now turns out that Obama covered up an act of war by Iran against the US.

Two Iranian agents planned a bomb attack against a DC restaurant frequented by the movers and shakers.  Despite the fact that General Mattis in his new book says:

“Attorney General Eric Holder said the bombing plot was ‘directed and approved by elements of the Iranian government and, specifically, senior members of the Qods Force.’ The Qods were the Special Operations Force of the Revolutionary Guards, reporting to the top of the Iranian government.”

But Obama treated the planned attack to kill perhaps hundreds of American citizens on American soil by a foreign government as a criminal case as though the two terrorists were acting on their own.

Mattis believed that this was a critical act that demanded an extremely stern US response but Obama just swept it under the carpet in order to continue with his plan to ensure that in a decade or so Iran would be able to have the A Bomb.

This is how the Democrats roll. They believe that the US is the problem, that Republicans are truly evil but that radical Islamic fundamentalists are nice people who can be reasoned with.

That's why they hate most Americans.

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