Thursday, September 19, 2019

Democrats quit lying; they're going to take your gun

For a long time the end objective of the Democrats who say they favor "gun control" has been obvious; they want to disarm us and effectively abrogate the 2nd Amendment.

But as with most issues, such as wanting abortion to be safe and rare, the Democrats have been lying to us.

Fortunately in the hysteria created in the left by Trump's election Democrats are speaking the truth; probably because they confuse the fawning by the #FakeNews media with what Americans in general  believe.

Now they're admitting that if elected they will seize your guns.

If the Democrats weren't fascists they'd work to amend the Constitution to change the 2nd Amendment.  But since that's a lot of work and since they know that they couldn't get the support of enough Americans to change the 2nd Amendment they're using dishonest judges and unethical politicians to steal our rights.

That alone is reason to never vote for a Democrat; they ignore the Constitution.  If they think they can pretend the 2nd Amendment doesn't exist there's nothing to stop them from pretending that the 1st Amendment doesn't exist either, or the 4th, or in fact any aspect of the Constitution.

We've seen this in their push to declare whatever they happen to think is "hate" speech as not being protected by the 1st Amendment and their campaign to say that we have freedom of worship but not freedom to actually live our faith, unless of course you're Muslim.

Why do Democrats want us defenseless?  One reason is that the more dependent on government we are the more likely we are to vote for the party of endless government, the Democrats.

Another reason is that like all fascists they want to ensure that when the people are fed up with Democrats stealing their money and their freedom the people will be unable to rise up and throw off their Democrat forged shackles.

While not every Democrat has come out and said that they will seize our guns the reality is that the power of the Democrat party is behind it.

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