Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Democrats oppose Trump rule that helps asylum seekers

The reality is that the vast majority of illegal immigrants aren't coming here because they face death where they came from.  Instead they're coming here to get more money; often by taking that money from American taxpayers.

But thanks to Democrats illegal immigrants know that if they apply for asylum they've got a better chance of disappearing before they can be deported.

The problem of course is that people who have a case for asylum, like Christians fleeing Islamic persecution, can't get their hearings because the courts are tied up with thousands and thousands of fake asylum claims.

People who really are fleeing for their lives tend to want to stop as soon as they can.  That's why the international standard is that someone who says they're fleeing for their life must apply for asylum and the first country they reach.

All Trump is doing is saying that people who don't follow that rule, say someone who comes from Africa lands in Panama travels up through Mexico and doesn't apply for asylum until they reach the US, will no longer be considered for asylum. This won't impact people from Mexico but it will dramatically reduce the load on US courts and thereby allow people with real asylum claims to be heard much more quickly.

Of course Democrats are furious about this since they want as many people who feel free to ignore US laws for their own personal gain to illegally immigrate as possible.  After all if these people will break our immigration laws to get more money why would anyone think that they wouldn't be willing to violate our election laws to elect Democrats who promise to give them more money?

Once again we have more proof that all Democrats care about is getting more power for themselves.

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