Sunday, September 1, 2019

Bernie Sanders at war with the Washington Post over truth

If you see a flying pig don't be surprised; the WaPo has actually done an honest fact check on a Democrat.

Now because the target is Bernie this may be nothing more than revealing the the WaPo supports a different socialist for president.

But let's enjoy this while we can.  Bernie incorrectly claimed that every year 500,000 people go bankrupt due to medical bills. It turns out that the study Bernie cited included anyone who said that medical bills had any part for why they went bankrupt.

The WaPo found another study which said that about 4% of bankruptcies are due primarily to medical bills which would mean that roughly 30-50,000 people declare bankruptcy each year due to medical expenses.

Bernie however is fighting tooth and nail to get the same sort of biased fact checking from the WaPo that he so used to elsewhere.

We can only hope that the Democrat house continues to be divided.

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