Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Who was elected vs who the people thought they elected

Democrats won the House because they lied and the #FakeNews media covered for them.

Does anyone honestly think that voters were eager to see their taxes increased?  Yet back in early 2018 we were told that that was the Democrats plan if they regained power. But of course the media was silent about that in the run up to the election.

Does anyone honestly think that America is enamored of the real San Francisco values--poop on every street, unaffordable housing, massive poverty, and government control of whether or not we can use straws?  The answer is no; but the #FakeNews media covered up what the Democrats are really for and instead portrayed Democrats as moderates while declaring that Republicans were all racist, homophobic, Nazis.

The RNC should make a database of video of what Democrat candidates who won said they would vote for and compare that to what they end up actually voting for as part of the monolithic Democrat voting machine; a machine that always votes in the interests of rich urban Democrats.

Sadly the Republicans did nothing to end the censorship of the Internet by Democrats when they had the power to do so, and it's unlikely they'll do so now, which means that the Democrats ability to lie and mislead the people has returned nearly to the levels of the 1990s when all the media was nothing more than the propaganda arm of the DNC.

In the end the Democrats won because they managed to fool the people about what they actually stood for, reasonable gun control vs their real objective of making it impossible for people to defend themselves, not because they offered a vision of America that voters actually liked more.

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