Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Facebook wastes shareholder money to enforce ideological conformity

While there are alternatives to the major social media sites like Twitter and Facebook they have tiny audiences and the reality is that Twitter, FB, et al are monopolies even more so than the Big Three TV networks were monopolies in the 1960s.

However the Big Three were not given immunity from lawsuits like the new social giants are.

It's come to light that a key player in Facebook, Palmer Lucky who founded Oculus, was fired because he secretly gave $10,000 to a pro-Trump cause.

Can you imagine if some company fired a valuable executive because he gave money to say Pelosi or Schumer?  We'd never hear the end of it.

What makes this truly amazing is that no one knew that Lucky had made the donation which means that there was no chance of his contribution hurting the Facebook brand.

No he was fired solely because Facebook hates ideological diversity and will stop at nothing to silence voices it doesn't like.

This is another clear example of the fascism at the heart of the modern left.  They hate the 1st Amendment and despise the idea that voices other than their own can be heard.  They are tyrants who want to rule us and impose their hedonistic beliefs and their ideological agenda on us.  They are the greatest threat that the US has faced since their Democrat predecessors fought a war to destroy the country in order to keep slavery legal.

Clearly if the Facebook team is so full of hate that it will fire anyone who secretly contributes to a cause they don't like we can't allow them the power to censor and manipulate the content on their site.

Like AT&T back in the monopoly days Facebook is a monopoly and as such needs to be regulated.  As it stands Facebook has full control over the content of their site, censoring voices they don't like, just like the New York Times does but unlike the New York Times they're can't be sued for libelous material that people post; this or that conservative is a Nazi for example.

That needs to end.

Simply declaring that FB, and the other sites, are liable for any content posted so long as the censor content for any reason other than criminal content, child porn etc, will force them to make a decision; do we continue to impose our ideological agenda and face massive lawsuits by random citizens who are lied about or do we return to content neutrality?

Sadly that's not going to happen while the Democrats control Congress but what can happen is that Facebook shareholders should start a class action lawsuit against Facebook.  One source has stated, but it may not be correct, that Lucky sued because he was fired for non-work related reasons and got a $100M payout.  If that's true then Facebook management used $100M of shareholder money to silence a voice they didn't like even though that voice was helping increase Facebook profits.  Such a lawsuit would remind CEO's that publicly owned companies are not their property and that they can't use the shareholders resources to further their own personal ideological agendas.

It's also fairly clear that Zuckerberg lied, under oath, to Congress when he testified about why Lucky was fired. If the Congress doesn't refer him for prosecution now the Democrats won't when they take power in January.  Instead the Democrats will be making up false perjury charges against Kavanaugh.

Every institution that is controlled by the left is corrupted and converted into a tool to deprive Americans of their freedoms.  For awhile the Internet provided a venue where people could learn the truth that the #FakeNews media was hiding but now the obscenely rich Silicon Vally fascists are working to shut that down.

Let your friends know just how full of hate the Facebook management team is.

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