Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Democrat politician calls for the killing of Republican's family

A Republican, Peter Breen,  in the Illinois state legislature was questioning whether or not the cost of a bill, which would allow higher maximum settlements in certain Illinois court of claims cases, was known.

In response Democrat Representative Stephanie Kifowit said:

“I would like to make him a broth of Legionella and pump it into the water system of his loved one, so that they can be infected, they can be mistreated, they can sit and suffer by getting aspirin instead of being properly treated and ultimately die."

Now she's trying to spin this as a hypothetical but the quote is pretty clear. 

While it's true that I seriously doubt that Kifowit would actually try and murder Breen's family the idea that a politician would declare that she wanted an opponent's family to die because the opponent had question a bill that she supported is pretty heinous.

Can you imagine if it had been the Republican who had said that about a Democrat?

So next time you hear about how it's Trump's rhetoric that is causing violence remind whomever's saying that that Trump has never wished a Democrat's family would die.

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