Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Illegals are voting unless you ignore common sense

According to an MIT study there are 22,000,000 illegals in America.

In many Democrat controlled locations, like California, illegals are given drivers licenses.  We also know that when someone gets a drivers license they are often registered to vote.

Democrats have been pushing to allow illegals to vote in local elections.

We know that illegals, by definition, are people who believe that breaking the law is ok so long as it benefits them.  Clearly voting for Democrats who support amnesty and welfare for illegals is good from the perspective of illegals so it's likely that given their squishy moral compass they won't have a strong problem breaking another law so long as it benefits them.

To assume in the face of all of that that no illegals vote is insane.

The question becomes how many illegals vote.

There are around 150,000 illegals in Minnesota.  Al Franken won his Senate seat by a margin of 312 votes. Given that illegals vote strongly for Democrats that means that if as little as 0.2% of illegals voted they could have given Franken his seat.

The point is that with 22,000,000 illegals in the country even if only a tiny percentage of them vote they can make the difference.  The Democrats don't need 10% of illegals to vote in order to benefit from illegals; they only need a fraction of a percent.

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