Sunday, November 25, 2018

Democrat racism: Washington Post edition

In a recent article in the Washington Post the rich white Democrats who run the WaPo tell us that it's bad that some Black men voted for the white candidate for governor of Georgia.

"But another group of voters also raised eyebrows for how they voted in the race, in which Abrams fell about 17,000 votes short of forcing a runoff with Kemp.
Black men voted for Kemp at a higher rate than black women, according to exit polling, a data point that drew gasps and rebuke on social media and news commentary."

Imagine for a moment how the left would respond if an article condemned some white men for voting for a Black candidate like Obama.

The article quotes Ted Johnson, a Black man, who says:

“To be a racial conservative means you’re okay with Jim Crow,” he added. “There’s only one party that you can support and be progressive on race, and that’s the Democratic Party.”

What is more racist than saying that any Black who doesn't vote Democrat is a self hating racist who is ok with Jim Crow laws?  What's really amazing is that it was Democrats who passed all the Jim Crow laws and Republicans who eradicated them.

This article is clear proof of how racist Democrats are. Any Black who dares stray from the positions their white "masters" in the Democrat party endorse are declared to be evil.  And as back in the old days Democrats enlist Blacks like Ted Johnson to condemn Blacks who don't toe the Democrat line.

Interestingly the article also condemns white women who didn't vote for the Black female candidate for governor not because her policies were better but because they didn't vote for her because they were racists who don't care about the interests of Black women.

"White female voters in Georgia showed little interest in helping black women fulfill their dream of electing Stacey Abrams as governor, which would have made her the first African American woman to head a state in the nation’s history."

Once again imagine how the left would react, and rightly so, if some conservative source condemned white women for not voting for a white candidate.

It's also important to note that Democrats have no problem favoring white candidates over Blacks if the Black isn't subservient to the white Democrat party line.

In Utah Black Republican Mia Love lost to white male McAdams and there has been no wailing or gnashing of teeth by leftists. Even though Love was ahead on election day and only after days of counting ballots McAdams, like many other Democrat candidates who lost on election day, managed to win.  Apparently voter fraud against Blacks is ok so long as the Black is not a Democrat.

Similarly in Michigan where a Black Republican man lost to a white female Democrat there was no complaint by the WaPo about Blacks in Michigan not voting for a Black candidate.

Democrats like to say that the two parties switched their positions on race in the 1960's but that's an obvious lie since today thousands of Blacks are shot each year in Democrat run Chicago and Democrats do nothing to stop the slaughter.

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