Monday, November 26, 2018

When Obama's Border Patrol used chemicals on illegals storming the border the Left didn't care

Back in November 2013 when as you might recall Obama was President a mob of 100 people tried to storm the border, at the same site as the recent attempt by the way, and because they hurled rocks and other objects at Border Patrol agents they were pepper sprayed and other, unspecified, non-lethal agents were used to protect the agents.

What's odd is that the #FakeNews Media(FNM) didn't get all upset about it. Even Democrats didn't come out and condemn Obama.

This is just one more example of how Democrats care about one and only one thing; what's best for Democrats.

While Democrats love illegals because they're either future or current Democrat voters they don't care about them enough to criticize one of their own, Obama, for spraying illegals with "chemical weapons".

While this recent incident shows that the FNM and the Democrats prioritize illegals over the US citizens, many of them Hispanic, in the Border Patrol the 2013 incident shows that Democrats prioritize themselves over illegals.

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