Sunday, November 11, 2018

Do the math

As of now there are multiple significant elections where Democrats were behind by tens of thousands of votes on the day after the election but since then huge numbers of votes for them have been "found".

The ones I'm familiar with are:

Senate race in Arizona
Senate race in Florida
Governor race in Florida
Governor race in Georgia

In all cases it's a Democrat candidate who is benefitting from these "surprise" ballots. Further in Florida and Arizona a left wing Democrat is responsible for counting a large number of ballots.

This is interesting from a mathematical perspective.  To the best of my knowledge this is a purely Democrat phenomena; no Republican candidate in the last 80 years has produced tens of thousands of votes days after the election is over.

In an unbiased world where everyone was playing by the rules the odds of this happening is rather small.  We can't compute the exact chances since the implication from the Republican data is that the probability is 0 but we know that such a thing could happen.

But if we look at history we see that the probability of this happening is apparently very high for Democrats.  It happened in 1960 for JFK, in 2000 for Gore, and in 2008 for Franken.

If this sudden slew of votes appearing is a natural unbiased result of the process for counting votes we'd expect to see it happening just as often for Republicans in key races as for Democrats.

Yet that's not what's happening.

If you're playing poker with someone and that person continually draws royal flushes just when they need them you're going to start wondering if they're cheating.

The same math applies here; while an occasional come from nowhere reversal can happen the odds of it happening so often and only to Democrats are very low.

We're seeing nothing less than the subversion of the democrat process not by Russians but by Democrats.  If you doubt that note that in Florida a Democrat lawyer objected to a vote by a non-citizen not being counted.  Yeah according to the Democrats the ballots of non-citizens who are voting illegally should be counted.  With that mind set does anyone doubt that Democrats are more than capable of voter fraud?

I grew up in Chicago when Mayor Daley, the first one, was so beloved that the dead came back to vote for him.  Everyone knew that the Democrats in Chicago were using voter fraud.  Yet somehow we're now told, by Democrats, that voter fraud doesn't exist.  Just like we're told that the party of slavery and the mass shootings of Blacks in Chicago isn't racist.

UPDATE: Apparently in Arizona late ballot counting is not unusual. The fact that the Republican governor got 379,000 more votes that the Republican Senatorial candidate is however a bit odd.

Also in California 4 tight races are all going against the Republicans long after the election.

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