Saturday, November 10, 2018

Democrats; queens of voter fraud

Have you ever asked yourself why Democrats do everything they can to avoid investigations into voter fraud? Sure they say that it doesn't exist but if it doesn't exist what's the problem with investigating it just in case?

The answer is that the Democrat party has been the party of voter fraud for it's entire existence.  In the beginning they supported slavery thereby keeping Blacks from voting. When the Republicans fought the civil war to end slavery and the Democrats lost the Democrats turned to a variety of techniques to suppress Black voters; one of the key jobs that the Democrat founded KKK worked on.

In 1960 JFK won due to massive voter fraud in Illinois and Texas, which was deep blue at the time.  Back in the 1960's pretty much all of Illinois voted Republican except for Chicago. What happened that year was that essentially all of the Republican precincts reported their vote totals while none of the Chicago precincts did.  But once the Republican precincts vote tally was known all of a sudden the Democrat precincts reported magically producing just enough Democrat votes to give JFK the state.

In 2000 Bush won Florida but the Democrats demanded recounts that were totally biased involving only those precincts where Gore might be able to pick up votes.  At the same time the Democrats worked to avoid counting the votes of military personnel serving overseas because they knew that those ballots would tend to be for Bush.  If the Supreme Court hadn't have shut the Democrats down they would have eventually manufactured a win for Gore.

In 2008 Norm Coleman beat Al Franken for the Senate in Minnesota.  But Democrats kept litigating and recounting and Franken ended up, after nearly 6 months of recounting, with a 312 vote lead.  We now know that at least 1099 felons illegally voted in that election.  Historically felons vote Democrat, birds of a feather and all that, so that means that it's pretty clear  that voter fraud won that election for the Democrats. This was a key election because if Franken hadn't "won" Obamacare wouldn't have been passed.

Today the Democrats are trying to steal the Senate seats in Arizona and Florida.  In a repeat of 2000 Democrat bastions in Florida aren't reporting their totals within the time frame required by law and more and more Democrat votes are being found. Legions of Democrat lawyers are descending on Florida in a repeat of 2000; the intent being to steal the election by selectively counting ballots and what ever other chicanery that they can get away with.

In Arizona the Republican had a good lead but then magically in the days following when the counting should have been done more and more Democrat votes are showing up. Further one Democrat has been accused of destroying evidence of voter fraud.

None of this should be surprising to anyone. After all hasn't everyone heard jokes about how the dead vote Democrat in Chicago?  Those jokes resonate because they're about something that's true; the Democrat machine in Chicago uses voter fraud.

But there are no cases of Republicans who were behind when the votes were supposed to have been counted and then suddenly winning with votes that show up days after the election should have been over.


Because Democrats use voter fraud and Republicans don't.  The simple but sad reality is that the Democrat party of today has one uniting "principle"; the will to power. Democrats believe that they have the right to micro manage the lives of all Americans and that the vast majority of Americans are too stupid to run their own lives.  That's why Democrats believe that they need to tell us how much soda to drink, what sort of transportation to use, and that it's wrong to use straws.

Interestingly this is the same mindset the Democrats used about slavery. Back then they told the world that Blacks were too stupid to run their own lives--a point which was proven to be false at the time by all the free Blacks in the North who were doing just fine-- and today the Democrats are saying that Americans in general need to be looked after by our Democrat betters.

With that sort of, can't say messianic since Democrats don't tend to believe in God, superior attitude it's easy for Democrats to rationalize voter fraud because in the minds of Democrats we the people are too stupid to be allowed to control our own destiny.

Democrats have started to reject Democracy, as witnessed to by their insane "resistance" to the 2016 election, precisely because they've begun to reject the Constitutional vision of America as a country where power flows from the people. After all if the people are generally stupid, the Democrat view, then it's critical for our betters to rule us not represent us.

We the people can no longer be nice and considerate. We're at war with the Democrat parties attempts to steal elections and we need to use every legal trick in the book to prevent Democrat dishonesty from stealing two Senate seats.

The good news is that we have a solid majority on the Supreme Court of honest judges who will vote based on the law not on their personal political ideology so that if these cases make it all the way up the chain we should win.

It's time to pray and preserver; allowing Democrats to win through blatant fraud will simply embolden them to do worse in the future and that could lead to the complete loss of our freedoms given that the Democrat party wants to tear down the 1st and 2nd Amendments.

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