Saturday, November 24, 2018

Hollywood Hedonism Lies: "Transgendered" edition.

If your best friend comes to you and tells you that he's the Emperor Napoleon everyone, even Democrats, agree that pretending he is the ruler of France is not what's best for him.

On the other hand if your best male friend comes to you and tells you that he's really a woman Hollywood tells us that he is in fact a woman and it's a bad thing if we don't support him.

Yet it's more likely that your friend could conquer France and rename himself Napoleon than it is the the can change his DNA and become a woman.

If someone you know suffers from confusion about their sex the loving response it to help them realize that they're wonderful just as they are and that they don't need to risk their health by taking strong drugs and having plastic surgery to become good.

Note how amazingly misogynistic it is to declare that a man can become a woman as though being a woman is nothing more than a mental attitude.  Even more bizarre is how Hollywood can declare that a man, who hasn't even had surgery yet, can be woman of the year or how the statement "not all women have vaginas" can be taken seriously.  What is more degrading to women than declaring that a man can be a better woman than all the real women in America?

Taking a stand against the Hollywood fantasy about the "transgendered" can save lives.

The average American has 4.6% chance of attempting suicide while the "transgendered" have a 41% chance of attempting suicide according to a transgendered friendly study.  Interestingly gays/bisexuals have a rate of 10-20% which would indicate problems with the Hollywood view of the wonderfulness of the gay lifestyle but that's grist for another post.

The high suicide rate is to be expected when one realizes that people who think they're the wrong sex clearly have some sort of serious mental problem as well as issues in their lives that need addressing.
Given that hacking themselves with drugs and plastic surgery to resemble something they're not doesn't actually address those underlying issues it's hardly surprising that after having endured all that  and then discovering that what was bothering them hasn't been fixed or gone away they will be more likely to try and kill themselves.

That Hollywood doesn't care about that is just another example of how Hollywood uses people who are damaged to advance its hedonistic agenda. If Hollywood wanted to push casual sex and the objectification of people they could do so without encouraging people who suffer from confusion about their sex to do things that will hurt themselves.  Yet that's not what Hollywood does.

By portraying the "transgendered" as being sane Hollywood encourages us to hurt the "transgendered" by enabling their delusions in order to further the Hollywood fantasy that we can make of ourselves whatever we want to be simply by wishing it to be so.

Because Hollywood by and large rejects God it's natural that they have begun to assume that they can transform themselves into whatever they want overcoming biological reality by sheer force of will.  But in a fight between human will and reality reality always wins with generally seriously adverse consequences for the human.

We need to love those who are confused about their sex and help them see that they are wonderful as they are. We need to find out what the root cause of their delusion is and address it so that they can avoid the problems associated with pretending to be something they're not.

When you love someone you don't enable whatever they want, that's why we constantly tell those we love who smoke to stop, but rather you help them find truth and clarity when they're confused about just who they really are.

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