Thursday, November 29, 2018

Mueller proves that Trump didn't collude with Russia

The "Big Story" of the day is that Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen admitted to lying to the Senate--odd how all the Democrats who have done that aren't being investigated--by saying that the Trump Russia hotel deal conversations ended in January 2016 even though they really ended in June 2016.

Cohen also said he lied about not talking to Trump about the idea of a trip to Moscow by Cohen but that he didn't actually ever go to Moscow.

While the #FakeNews media will probably pounce on this the reality is that it shows that it's very unlikely that Trump was colluding with Russia.  After all by June 2016 we knew that Trump was going to be the nominee so that he'd be worth the Russians bribing whereas in January 2016 that wasn't the case.

So if the Russians were trying to bribe Trump why would they let a deal which would have made Trump a lot of money fall through?  The obvious answer is that they wouldn't.  Yet they did.

Further the fact that Trump continued to look at a purely American capitalist deal, building a hotel in Russia to make money, is hardly evil. Democrats, who hate people who make rather than take money, think that Trump's desire to make a buck is monstrous but lacking any quid pro quo from Russia--and Mueller hasn't found one--making money is not illegal.

Ask yourself this do you think if Trump had been looking into building a hotel in the Soviet Union during the Cold War would the pro-Soviet Democrats have been bothered?  Remember back then the left was telling us that Gorbachev--the Soviet dictator-- was great and Reagan was the cause of the Cold War.

Also if back in 2016 Trump was contemplating building a hotel in Beijing would Democrats be upset?  Probably not even though the Chinese dictatorship has embarked on an imperialistic plan which includes the colonization of the entire South China Sea.

Finally is there any evidence that Trump has done anything at all to help the Russians since he was elected?

The answer is no as we can see by the following things that Trump has done as President:

1) Trump has called for better relations with Russia starting with Russia behaving better.
2) Trump has demanded that NATO countries increase their defense spending to better deal with Russia
3) Trump has increased US defense spending for, among other reasons, ensuring that we can better deal with Russia
4) The US has repeatedly condemned Russian actions in Syria and the Ukraine
5) Trump ordered an attack on Russia's Syrian ally in response to Syria's use of chemical weapons against civilians--something that Obama refused to do
6) Trump convinced Germany to drop an immensely lucrative deal with Russia in order to avoid further German dependence on Russia
7) Trump has increased sanctions against Russia

Remember how Obama and Hillary "reset" our relationship with Russia in spite of Russia's aggressive actions?  Democrats want you to forget that because if you don't it's unlikely you'll believe that Trump advocating better relations with second largest nuclear power in the world if and only if Russia starts behaving doesn't look bad at all.  In fact it's precisely what Americans want; play nice with nuclear powers so long as those powers aren't doing evil.

Now a smart Democrat might say that Trump has just double crossed the Russians--he colluded with them but now he's not keeping his part of the bargain-- but that's impossible.  If Trump did that the Russians, seeing the Mueller investigation, would have every reason to rat him out.  That they haven't even though Trump is going against Russian interests all the time shows that they don't have an hold over Trump.

What's really revealing is that there is a major Presidential candidate who has gone soft on the Russians and who has gotten a lot of money from Russia; Hillary Clinton.

It's Hillary who pushed for a "reset" in our relations with Russia where we forgot or forgave Russia's attack on Georgia among other crimes.  Yet it's also Hillary's husband who was paid $500,000 by a Russian entity for a short speech.  And it's Hillary who okayed a Russian company getting control over a large portion of American's uranium production shortly after Bill was paid.

The $500,000 is especially interesting given that the supposed Russian interference in our election is based on the Russians spending $6500 on Facebook ads.

Now Democrats say that Russia helped Trump by releasing the emails that showed that the DNC had broken DNC rules to work against Bernie Sanders.  The problem is that there is no evidence of that what so ever.  Even worse let's suppose it's true; the Democrats are condemning Russia for giving the American voters the truth about the corruption in the DNC i.e. the Democrats are condemning Russia for helping the American voters make an informed decision.

On the other hand we know for a fact that Hillary paid for supposed dirt on Trump from anonymous unverified Russian sources and that that "dirt" was used against Trump culminating in the issuance of a FISA warrant to spy on his campaign.

Yet the #FakeNews media is ignoring the proven collusion between Hillary and Russia while endlessly speculating about the possibility that Trump colluded with Russia.

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