Thursday, November 22, 2018

The New York thought police; forcing you to choose between the your 1st and 2nd Amendment rights

In New York Democrats looking to deny people their 2nd Amendment rights if they exercise their 1st Amendment rights.

A new bill says that the police can evaluate whether or not a person can have a gun based on "commonly known profane slurs used or biased language used to describe race, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, disability or sexual orientation".

Notice nothing in that list is criminal.  A member of the Nation of Islam saying that whites are inferior is doing nothing illegal yet if this new law passes in New York he could be denied his 2nd Amendment rights.

Who are we kidding right? Since according to the left minorities can't be racists while the Nation of Islam member will be able to get a gun leftists in the police will be able to deny a gun to someone who said something the left has declared to be racist, like inner city Blacks should be allowed school choice, while groups favored by the left will be able to advocate violence without consequences.

And just who is going to define what "biased" language is?  Clearly people on the left would consider anything a conservative says as biased while people on the right would think the same of leftists. The difference is that a conservative sherif wouldn't be dishonest and act as though just because leftists are biased they're all likely to be violent whereas a leftist police officer would feel comfortable assuming all conservatives are likely to be violent.

What the left is doing is simple; they can't get the votes to repeal the 2nd Amendment, and it would be too much work for them anyway, so they're trying to make it effectively impossible to prevent people from owning guns.

This law is even more insidious though because it would allow leftists and minorities to protect themselves but not conservatives and/or white people.

This is in line with leftist thinking where every left wing mass murdering nut is representative of all conservatives but when a left wing Black political commentator shoots a white teenager who was trespassing with an unregistered gun the left sees only goodness.

Have no doubt the left is on a crusade to take away our guns because the left wants us helpless in the face of government oppression because the left plans to use the government to oppress us by ignoring the Constitution.

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