Monday, November 12, 2018

Democrats love criminals; Sanctuary city/state edition

Democrats love to misuse the English language to mislead voters; Obamacare is the Affordable Care Act--even though it's not affordable for example.

When the average American hears the term sanctuary city they probably think that the city isn't cooperating with ICE in deporting illegals whose only crime is being illegal but that's not the case.

Sanctuary cities are cities that protect illegals who have committed new crimes once they took up residence in the US.

The key service that sanctuary cities provide is that if an illegal commits a new crime, ranging from shop lifting to serious crimes, and is arrested the local police won't inform ICE that the criminal is about to be released from jail so that ICE can deport them.

That's right illegals who benefit most from sanctuary policies are those who are preying on Americans or their fellow illegals.

So it's just one more example, along with things like demanding voting rights for felons, of how the Democrats love criminals.

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