First and foremost we should be thankful that God loves each and everyone of us and chose to create us despite the fact that by doing so He knew that He would have to die on the Cross for us.
Thanksgiving is all about thanking God because all good things in our lives are from Him. The people we love and who love us, the material blessings, our freedoms, everything in our lives which we treasure is from Him.
We often forget that and while our ingratitude doesn't hurt God, who is always perfectly happy, it hurts us because it keeps us from the truth, that God is the central good in our lives, and that means we can't be free as God intends us to be for, as the motto of Cal Tech says, the truth shall set us free.
While there are undoubtedly those who will read this whose worldly life is not great today they can take solace in that God only allows their suffering to draw out greater good and He is always at our side ready to accompany us through this valley of tears.
Since this is a political blog it seems germane to enumerate some of our worldly blessings in the wake of the 2018 election so that we can cast off the doom and gloom and embrace God's love.
We should be thankful that Hillary isn't President and Trump is.
We should be thankful that we now have 5 honest judges on the Supreme Court.
We should be thankful that the Republican still control the Senate.
We should be thankful that at least some of the Democrat attempts at stealing elections were defeated.
We should be thankful that despite the best efforts of the Democrats we still have freedom of religion.
We should be thankful that despite the best efforts of the Democrats we still have free speech.
We should be thankful that despite the efforts of Democrats to keep Blacks locked in poverty many, like Ben Carson and Candice Owens, have managed to be all they can be.
We should be thankful that our tax rates have gone down.
We should be thankful that global warming isn't real and that we're not facing an apocalypse.
We should be thankful that despite Democrat environmental radicalism we've taken reasonable steps to secure the environment.
We should be thankful that despite the Democrats war on cheap energy the poor in America haven't been forced to pay insane amounts for energy; except in California where the Democrats have created highly regressive taxes on gasoline.
We should be thankful that despite decades of Democrat lies most Americans either oppose abortion entirely or only want it legal in a limited set circumstances
We should be thankful for all the babies that pro-life groups have rescued.
We should be thankful that Americans are so charitable; Catholics alone in America give $30,000,000,000 of their own money to charities each year.
We should be thankful that our nation has been spared any major terrorist attacks this year.
We should be thankful that the casualty count in the war on terror has been amazingly low.
We should be thankful that despite Democrat mockery of those in the military there are still many Americans who are willing to put their lives on the line to protect our country.
We should be thankful for all the first responders--police, firefighters, etc--who put their lives on the line to protect and serve us every day.
We should be thankful that most Americans condemn the use of violence to silence speech they don't like.
We should be thankful that we are still free to defend ourselves when the police just can't get there in time.
We should be thankful that the economy is doing well and that so many people have jobs.
We should be thankful that despite Democrat lies the vast majority of Americans aren't racist.
We should be thankful that the likely Democrat voter fraud in this election has woken us up so we can combat it in the next election.
We should be thankful that the people are learning that they can't trust the #FakeNews media.
We should be thankful that despite the media's heated rhetoric and lies most Americans want to try and get along with each other.
We should be thankful that the vast majority of the poor in America are rather well
off with 64% of them having either satellite or cable TV.
We should be thankful that people tend to vote Democrat not because they agree with what Democrats are selling but because they've been lied to; Democrats run as moderates and govern as fanatics.
We should be thankful that the Supreme Court usually overrules the insane politically motivated rulings of lower courts.
We should be thankful that we have a President who doesn't want to rule the same way that the Communist dictators
rule China.
We should be thankful that Trump is taking action to end the job drain which allowed the unfair trade practices of other countries to steal American jobs.
We should be thankful that Trump has managed to start effective negotiations with North Korea without having to give them billions of dollars and a nuclear reactor.
We should be thankful that around the world people are waking up and rejecting the global tyranny of the unelected elites and demanding the right to define what laws they have to follow.
We should be thankful that we have enough to eat and a place to sleep and so we should give to charities that help those who don't have those.
We should be thankful that the Republican Senate will be able to continue appointing honest judges.
We should be thankful that Mueller didn't announce some fake indictments right before the election.
We should be thankful that the House managed to get out the truth about the Deep State and the Democrat lies in the last 2 years.
We should be thankful that elections are still mostly free.
The truth is that despite the evil that the Democrat politicians and the lying propagandists in the #FakeNews media are trying to force on the American people we're actually doing well compared to most of the world.
We need to recommit ourselves to prayer because the war we wage is not just against imprudent economic policies, like higher tax rates, but against the forces of evil, using drugs to turn little boys into little girls and the mass murder of the unborn, and we can only hope to win with His help.
We should thank God today, and every day, for all the good that is in our lives and we should ask Him constantly to aid us so that we continue to be free and able to serve Him.
On a personal note I'd like to thank all of you who read my ramblings and which each and everyone of you a healthy, happy, holy Thanksgiving!
God Bless!