Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Truth vs Democrats: COVID19 preparedness editon

Back in late 2019 the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NIT) and the John Hopkins Center for Health Security(JHU) worked with support from an international panel of experts, total team size over 100 researchers, to asses the world's readiness of a pandemic.

Contrary to the lies that the Democrats and the #FakeNews media are spreading the results showed that America was the country best prepared to deal with a pandemic.

Interestingly the report also implied that Democrat policies were responsible for lowering America's score.

The factors the report said that kept America from a perfect score included:

  • The Risk of Social Unrest
  • Terrorism
  • Low public confidence in the government

What are we seeing now?  Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are holding up the economic relief that America needs and thereby driving up social unrest so that they can ensure the workers at community newspapers have pension plans.

Also ever since 2016 Democrats have been "resisting", Antifa--the new Brown Shirts of the Democrat party-- has been taking the streets, and Democrat politicians and the #FakeNews media have been trying to agitate the people to revolt.

When Trump killed the Iranian terrorist mastermind, Soleimani, Democrats condemned it.  For the last decade or longer Democrats have been soft on terrorism.  Obama for example did all he could to help Iran including giving them money that John Kerry admitted would be used, at least in part, to fund terrorism.

The three year long bogus Russian collusion/impeachment campaign by Democrats has driven down confidence in government.  Conservatives see that Democrat politicians are interested only in their own power while leftists falsely believe that Russia runs our elections.

Hence not only are Democrats wrong when they attack Trump for America not being prepared for coronavirus but the fact is that it's Democrat policies that led to weakening America's response.

Oh and one last thing. Don't forget that Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden both condemned Trump's travel ban on China; you know the one that bought the US precious time to prepare to protect ourselves.

This is the Democrat politicians DNA:
  • Push policies that hurt Americans but get Democrat politicians more power
  • Blame Republicans for what Democrats are doing
  • Count on the #FakeNews media to lie so much that enough Americans are confused to ensure that Democrats don't pay for their crimes.

1 comment:

Anne C. said...

Right out of Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals." Thank you for saying "Democrat," not "Democratic." There is no longer anything democratic about that party.