Saturday, March 28, 2020

New ways to treat Coronavirus are being found; Don't Panic

While it's true that treatments for any disease that haven't been tested on large groups have to be considered problematic until further testing is done it's also true that they are indications of why we should be hopeful.

While the Democrat governor of Nevada is outlawing the use of an anti-malarial drug which has shown promise treating COVID19 because some idiot ate fish bowl cleaner--which contains that drug along with toxic stuff-- the reality is that that drug is showing promise.

Now a new study, albeit only on 5 severely ill patients, shows that giving blood plasma from people who survived the Wuhan Flu can work wonders.  Unfortunately since we're dealing with life and death there was no control group who didn't receive the transfusion.  However the study does show that what is a well known clinical practice may work against coronavirus.

This is, as the article points out, an anecdotal story not proof. But the fact that the medical community is producing potential cures this quickly, how long did it take to get AIDS under control?, is reason to hope that a cure will be found soon.

So don't stop social distancing.  Even more importantly don't stop praying. But don't panic.

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