Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Is Biden lying about his position on gun confiscation or is he just clueless?

Joe Biden recently announced that he's going to appoint Beto O'Rourke, the fake Latino, as his point man on gun control.

O'Rourke has said:

"Hell, yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47."
As an aside note that an AR-15 is a semi-automatic civilian hunting rifle that no soldier would ever use while the AK-47 is a fully automatic military weapon which is issued to soldiers around the world and which is already illegal in the US.

Biden was effusive in his praise for O'Rourke:

"I want to make something clear – I'm gonna guarantee you, this is not the last you're seeing of this guy – you're gonna take care of the gun problem with me, you're gonna be the one who leads this effort," Biden said of O'Rourke. "I'm counting on you, I'm counting on you, we need you badly."
While O'Rourke is clearly completely unfamiliar with guns his zeal for making sure you can't have one is strong.

That Biden is going to let O'Rourke take point means that Biden is in fact supporting gun confiscation.  Or that Biden doesn't know what the guy he's saying is the best person to lead gun control efforts believe in.

Joe got into a fight with a union auto worker over gun control.

The worker called Joe to task for his opposition to the Second Amendment.

Joe said he supports the Second Amendment and that he's not going to take guns away but in the process he also apparently thought that AR-15s, which he also referred to as AR-14s are illegal.

Clearly there are only 3 options:

  • Biden thinks the 2nd Amendment only refers to militia--a view the Supreme Court has said is wrong
  • Biden is for gun confiscation but is lying
  • Biden has no idea what O'Rourke really stands for 

None of them are positions we want a President to hold.

The most likely scenario is that Biden is a gleeful member of the Democrats effort to effectively repeal the 2nd Amendment by imposing so many costs and restrictions that only the wealthy will be able to defend themselves.

Democrats aren't keen on following the law so they don't want to spend the effort it would take to amend the Constitution--and of course they know that the voters would never support it-- so instead they count on dishonest judges to green light laws that effectively disarm we the people.

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