Saturday, March 7, 2020

AOC says that illegal aliens should be represented in Congress

AOC is telling illegal aliens that they should fill out the US census.

But the census is used to determine how many seats states get in the House.

Which means that illegal aliens who are counted are effectively represented in the House.

So California which is a mecca for illegal aliens could get an extra seat in the House, or more than one, if all the illegal aliens residing there are counted.

Further it means that Californian's votes count more than those of people living in areas without a lot of illegal aliens.

For example let's say each House seat represents 100 people.  That means to win the seat a candidate needs 51 votes--assuming everyone votes. But if the district is 20% illegal aliens the winning candidate can be elected by just 41 voters.  So in states with lots of illegal aliens 41 voters pick a Congressman whereas in states without lots of illegal aliens 51 voters pick a Congressman.

Essentially in this little example the votes of voters in states with lots of illegal aliens are 20% more powerful than the votes of Americans in states without a lot of illegal aliens.

That doesn't even take into account the simple reality that states like California are making it easy for illegal aliens to vote--in CA registering to vote is on the honor system; no one checks to see if people who say they are citizens are citizens-- so that illegal aliens who have demonstrated a willingness to break our laws for financial gain will undoubtedly also be willing to break our election laws.

This is why Democrats fought tooth and nail to ensure that a question about citizenship wasn't included in the census; they want illegal aliens to boost Democrat power in Congress.

Once again Democrats like AOC want power and will do anything to get it even if it means discriminating against American citizens.

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