Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Left is now calling for the abolition of the police

One of the crucial realities that we have to face in America today is that the left is actually insane.

They deny science they don't like, that human life begins at conception and that men can't become women, and in doing so they deny reality itself; which is a good definition of insanity.

Since the source of the left's policies is often academia those policies are produced in an environment that has nothing to do with reality.

For example influential members of the left are calling for the abolition, not reform, of police departments.

That's right they're saying that America would be better off without police.

On a university campus the use of force to enforce the law, what police do, is rarely if ever required. But in inner city Chicago, in Boston, and in most of America without the police to deter and stop violent crime life would be horrible.

And of course Blacks and the poor would suffer the most since the rich could hire private guards and the middle class could create de facto police departments composed of hired guards by pooling their funds.

Also the middle class and the rich could afford expensive home security systems and the guns needed in a police free world to deal with intruders while the poor, who are disproportionately minorities, couldn't.

No sane person could possibly think that in the absence of police the fraction of the population who views what is ours as theirs would behave in a non-violent and non-aggressive way.

Without the fear of the police the rapist population would explode. After all with no police to arrest them rapists, and all other criminals, would face no down side for committing the most heinous of crimes.

While none of the Democrat Presidential candidates have espoused this particular policy the ones that they do support spring from the same reality disjoint group of leftist "intellectuals".

Modern monetary policy says that the government can print as much money as it wants and nothing bad will happen.  Democrats love that idea but anyone who is on a fixed income or who has savings knows that the result will be massive inflation and the destruction of everyone's savings.

Similarly Democrats believe that biological men should be allowed to compete in women's sports. Thereby denying the simple biology that men are intrinsically more athletic than women.  Apparently the fact that this effectively crushes women's dreams and denies them scholarships doesn't bother the reality challenged leftists.

Tell your friends the truth; modern leftist, read Democrat, policies are literally insane and hence Democrats can't be trusted with any power whatsoever.

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