Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The IG report shows Schiff lied and Nunes was right

Two years ago Devin Nunes, the Republican head of the Intelligence Committee at the time, and Adams Schiff, Democrat ranking member of the committee, released memos discussing what the Committee had found about the justification for the FBI spying on the Trump campaign.

With the release of the IG report we now know that Nunes was right and Schiff was lying.  That's of course significant since Schiff's impeachment style is designed to make it impossible to corroborate his claims so we have to, to a large extent, count on Schiff's honesty.

But clearly Schiff isn't honest.  We now know for a fact that he lied in his memo:

  • Schiff said that FBI/DOJ didn't omit relevant information from their FISA request: the IG says they did
  • Schiff said that the FBI made only "narrow" use of the Steele dossier, a bunch of unverified rumors from Russia paid for by Hillary: the IG says that the FBI used the Steele dossier extensively
  • Schiff said that DOJ provided more evidence in later FISA requests: the IG says it didn't
  • Schiff said that the FISA warrant produced valuable information: the IG says it didn't
  • Schiff said that the FBI/DOJ gave the FISA court detailed information about Steele the Trump hating Democrat operative: the IG says that they didn't
  • Schiff said that the FBI rigorously vetted Steele's dossier: the IG says they didn't
  • Schiff said that Steele's prior reporting was used in criminal proceedings: the IG says they weren't

It's unfortunate that the IG report is tainted by the political bias of the swamp or by bizarre rules so that it can say that yes the FBI broke all sorts of rules but that their intentions were good when we know from emails and texts generated by FBI agents involved in spying on Trump that they were hyper partisan Democrats who wanted to misuse their authority to keep Trump out of the White House.

But that biased slant in the IG report is actually a good thing in the context of determining that Schiff lied.

It's unlikely that the same authors of the report who did all they could to whitewash the motives of the key players is unlikely to have lied in a way that would hurt Schiff.  Hence we have every reason to believe the IG report and believe that Schiff deliberately lied to we the people to cover up Obama's weaponization of the FBI/DOJ.

What's also interesting is two years ago when the memos were issued the #FakeNews media extolled the wonders of Schiff's memo and declared that Schiff's memo was great.

Keep that in mind as you read the fawning pro-Democrat impeachment reporting coming out of the same news outlets today.

The bottom line is that Schiff is a hyper partisan liar who will say and do anything to advance the Democrats agenda to have more power over you.

In the end to Schiff all that matters is getting power and punishing his enemies. It's not accident that Schiff recently publishes selectively edited phone records for people involved with the Nunes memo in an attempt to smear them by association.  Schiff clearly misused his authority and violated the privacy of his political opponents in order to get back at them for daring to publish the truth.

Schiff and the leading Democrats today are all fascists at heart who want to rule over we the people not represent us and he will do anything that he thinks will help with Democrats getting power.

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