Saturday, December 14, 2019

Did Greta Thunberg call for the execution of politicians who don't agree with her?

In Italy Thunberg said:

“Unfortunately, we probably already know the outcome. World leaders are still trying to run away from their responsibilities but we have to make sure they cannot do that. We will make sure that we put them against the wall and they will have to do their job to protect our futures,”

Now for adults who are familiar with left wing jargon putting someone against a wall means executing them by a firing squad.

In Greta's defense she may have been saying that we need to pressure the politicians by putting their backs against a wall.

That we can't know for sure what she was really saying is troubling.

UPDATE:  Thunberg has said it was a translation error and she meant to hold people responsible not kill them.  Which is good. While she's wrong on everything she says it's good to know she's not a monster.

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