Saturday, December 21, 2019

Pelosi's Rush to Judgement has ended: threatening to not send impeachment to the Senate

Pelosi and her fellow dishonest Democrats have been telling us that they had to rush impeachment because it had to be done RIGHT NOW.

But suddenly she's saying she might not let the Senate do its job on impeachment because she's concerned that the Senate might actually do the right thing.

Clearly there is no real rush.

The Democrats avoided going to the Courts to compel witnesses to testify because they knew they'd lose not because there was a rush.  And of course if they'd lost in the courts they couldn't accuse Trump of the non-crime of "obstructing Congress".

Pelosi is saying there won't be a "fair" trial in the Senate after having ensured there wasn't one in the House:

  • Trump wasn't allowed to call witnesses
  • Trump wasn't allowed to have legal representation
  • Republicans weren't allowed to call witnesses
  • Democrats held secret Star Chamber hearings
  • Democrats refused to call witnesses who wouldn't support their conspiracy theories in the public hearings
  • Democrats called three radical legal scholars and one moderate legal scholar who didn't vote for Trump
  • Democrats called a lawyer who worked for them as a witness despite his having given a lot of money to Democrat politicians
  • The vote for impeachment was purely Democrats after Pelosi and Nadler both said that impeachment has to be bipartisan

What Pelosi is really saying is that unless the Senate has an unfair kangaroo court hearing she won't let them vote on her impeachment lie.

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