Thursday, December 12, 2019

Greta Thunberg shows that the left is based on lies and feelings not facts

Greta Thunberg is a young kid with not the slightest knowledge about the science related to the whole climate change debate.  She has no education in the science related to climate change.

As such, and through no fault of her own, every word she says is just parroting something that someone else has told her and that she is accepting as true even though she has no way to verify that it is true.

She's nothing more than a ventriloquist's dummy, not that she's stupid, repeating what adults who she trusts are telling her.

In that she's the perfect role model for the left.  On every issue, from abortion to climate change, when you talk to leftists they express strong feelings and a great trust in the statements of people they don't know about issues that they lack the knowledge base to actually assess.

For example it's highly likely that Thunberg has no idea that satellite measurements of Earth's temperature show no significant rise or that the oceans have been rising since long before mankind started putting a lot of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Her convictions are real and that shows just how evil the left is.  Here's a 16 year old girl who has been lied to about the future of the planet and who is, as a result, afraid and angry that she's going to die young.

There are few crimes worse than unnecessarily scaring children but that's part and parcel of the left's playbook.

It's interesting that leftists are willing to put this young girl on the world stage as a battering ram to advance their agenda and then howl in rage if anyone dares to point out that despite her sincerity Thunberg isn't an expert and her statements carry no more weight than any other random 16 year olds.

But of course leftists have to do things like exploit children because not a single leftist position can be defended with facts and reason.

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