Thursday, August 1, 2019

Proof of academic bias: philosophy edition

A soon to be published paper in the journal Philosophical Psychology quantifies the discrimination against conservatives in academia.

According to the study 75% of people in the field of philosophy were leftists while 14% were conservatives and 11% were moderates.  While that is bad enough it turns out that open discrimination against conservatives is the norm:

“The more right-leaning the participant, the more hostility they reported personally experiencing from colleagues, and, overall, the more left-leaning the participant, the less hostility they reported personally experiencing.”

Even worse the study shows that leftist in general are comfortable with not hiring people because they're conservative.

“The more left-leaning the participant, the more frequently a right-leaning perspective/individual would be viewed negatively in assessing grant applications, evaluating papers, inviting colleagues to symposia, and making hiring decisions involving two otherwise equally qualified candidates."

This explains how academia in general has drifted left.  If a conservative department head is willing to hire leftists who are otherwise qualified but a leftist department head is not willing to hire qualified conservatives over time leftists will take over the department.

While this study only applies to philosophy departments there is no reason to believe that it wouldn't be applicable to any of the non-verifiable departments--studies that involve concepts that can't be experimentally verified.  This is true because being a leftists or a conservative is more defining of a persons behavior than whether they're a philosopher or a historian.

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